State vigilance commission,
west bengal
Complaint can be lodged with State Vigilance Commission, West Bengal against Employees of or employees drawing remuneration out of state fund of State Govt/State Govt Undertakings/State Govt Board Corporation etc.
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State Vigilance Commission, West Bengal.

West Bengal was one of the first, among the States of India, to establish Vigilance Commission in March, 1965. Later it has been renamed as State Vigilance Commission, It is an important enquiring agency under Government of West Bengal. It is entrusted with the task of combating financial and other irregularities, misconduct and corruption in State Administration in order to bring efficiency, transparency, impartiality and integrity among the officers and staff. Presently, the Office of the State Vigilance Commission is situated at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor of Bikash Bhawan at Salt Lake City, DF-Block, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091.

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